Instead of maintaining a separate pipeline script containing calls to make_with_source(), you can add roxygen-like headers to the .R files in your pipeline containing the @makepipe tag along with @targets, @dependencies, and so on. These tags will be parsed by make_with_dir() and used to construct a pipeline. You can call a specific part of the pipeline that has been documented in this way using make_with_roxy().

  dir = ".",
  recursive = FALSE,
  build = TRUE,
  envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame()),
  quiet = getOption("makepipe.quiet")

  envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame()),
  quiet = getOption("makepipe.quiet"),
  build = TRUE



A character vector of full path names; the default corresponds to the working directory


A logical determining whether or not to recurse into subdirectories


A logical determining whether or not the pipeline/segment will be built immediately or simply returned to the user


The environment in which to execute the source or recipe. By default, execution will take place in a fresh environment whose parent is the calling environment.


A logical determining whether or not messages are signaled


The path to an R script which makes the targets


A Pipeline object


Other than @makepipe, which is used to tell whether a given script should be included in the pipeline, the tags recognised mirror the arguments to make_with_source(). In particular,

  • @targets and @dependencies are for declaring inputs and outputs, the expected format is a comma separated list of strings like @targets "out1.Rds", "out2.Rds" but R code like @targets file.path(DIR, "out.Rds") (evaluated in envir) works too

  • @packages is for declaring the packages that the targets depend on, the expected format is @packages pkg1 pkg2 etc

  • @force is for declaring whether or not execution should be forced, the expected format is a logical like TRUE or FALSE

See the getting started vignette for more information.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Create a pipeline from scripts in the working dir without executing it
p <- make_with_dir(build = FALSE)
p$build() # Then execute it yourself
} # }